The Board is the highest authority of IRP. It meets at least twice a year and commits on a voluntary basis. It administers the Foundation’s assets and determines how they are to be employed to achieve IRP’s objectives. From amongst its members, it appoints an Executive Committee, which is tasked with the management of day-to-day business.
Prof. Theodor Landis*, Chairman
Honorary Professor University of Geneva, Lausanne, Switzerland
Dr. Heinrich Baumann*, Vice-Chairman
Management Consultant, former Board member Julius Bär, Küsnacht, Switzerland
Pierre Poncet*, Treasurer
Limited Partner of Bordier & Cie, private bankers, Geneva, Switzerland
Luc Argand, Member
Lawyer, Geneva, Switzerland
Victor Argand*, Member
Lawyer, Geneva, Switzerland
Francis Blind*, Member
Former President of Johnson & Johnson’s European subsidiaries, Saint-Sulpice, Switzerland